• Holiday Posy Vase


      Adorn your table with lovely flowers this holiday season.
      The posy is a low lying grouping of flowers. Choose your colour selection and let us do the rest.
      filled with a a variety of fresh flowers and ever greens

      Please note that flowers will change from the photos due to supply and freshness.

      Colour selection:
      All white – the flowers will be a selection of white coloured flowers
      All red – the flowers will be a selection of all red coloured flowers
      red and white – will include both coloured flowers
      gingerbread – the flowers will be a selection of caramels, purples, pinks and yellow (like a ginger bread house)
      Designers choice – will be a lovely selection of one of the above options.

    • Festive Witches Brooms


      Our Festive Witches brooms are a beautiful addition to your door this holiday season.
      Not only for decoration but also a little magic.

      In ancient times, witch’s brooms were used to sweep away negative energy and protect homes from evil spirits. They were also used in rituals to purify and consecrate sacred spaces.

    • Christmas Morning Delights


      Christmas morning delight is a beautiful mix of flowers, evergreens and décor to bring colour to your table this holiday season.
      These arrangements are created in two colour styles, of Candy Cane delight (red and white) and Gingerbread (caramels and soft pastels)

      Our centerpiece option is created in a 5″ Kendal pot to compliment the arrangement and meant to adorn your kitchen or coffee table.
      Our Petite is created in our 3.5″ container to add a little pop of colour to a side table, and is created with high end blooms.

    • European Hand-tied Bouquets


      Our European hand-tied bouquets are created in a spiral designs to easily cut and drop into a vase at home with no fuss.

      Using the freshest seasonal flowers each bouquet is made by the happiest of the Elves.

      Sugar Plum – a mix of softer caramel, pink, blue and white flowers to give that fresh ginger bread house vibes with snow and decorations

      Classic Christmas – a mix of red, white and blue flowers complete with candy canes, to create that classic Christmas feel

      Winter Wonderland – an all white mix of flowers giving the classic look of a fresh snow fall.

      Mulling Spices – all red and dark moody burgundy flowers to warm the table just like a lovely glass of mulled wine

    • Twilight Candles (Natural Vegetable)

      Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $15.00.

      Theses lovely dripless candles are all natural and made with natural palm oil.

      6 x 12″ tapper candles per box, solid colour choices.  See photo gallery for more details on product description and how to burn.

    • 4” Anthurium


      There are roughly 1,000 species of anthurium plants, which are native to Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

      Red anthuriums are very common, but you can find white and pink plants and even plants that are shades of yellow, burgundy, and green.

      As with most indoor plants, your anthurium will do best when potted with well-draining soil in a container that has good drainage.  Keep the soil moist when watering, but not wet (as you don’t want your anthurium sitting in soggy soil and potentially rotting).

      Place your anthurium in bright, indirect light for the best growing environment.  Don’t place your plant in direct lighting. Anthuriums have a low tolerance for direct sunlight, and their leaves will easily burn.

      We have some beautiful colours options in a ceramic pot or not.


    • European Dish Gardens


      We are loving our custom made planters in these festive containers.

      Created with live plants in a European style where the containers are dropped in individually rather then planted together to allow each plant to be watered separately and thrive.

    • Fruit and Goodies Tote


      Looking to send some fruit and goodies to someone you love?

      Choose from one of our many food basket options.

      Even though we know that flowers make people happy we also know that food makes people less hangry.

      Options available are….

      Fruit – our fruit baskets are a collection of fresh fruits that are able to be eaten without any major preparations

      Fruit and Goodies – these baskets are a collection of fresh fruits, cheese, crackers and chcolates

      Fruit and Plant – fresh fruits with an additional plant as a gift

      Good day basket – a collection of tea and coffee, honey and other yummy edible items that can be enjoyed in the morning and through the day

    • Joyce’s Joy (Senior Secret Santa)


      Our secret Santa program for seniors. Purchase the $20 vase through the year and we will deliver on Dec. 22 to a senior at one of our participating local manors or retirement homes (Dundas Manor and Garden Villa). This is a wonderful way to spread some Christmas cheer!

      Our goal is to share these vases with seniors that have no family or friends during the holidays and we would love them to enjoy the most wonderful time of the year like we do. A “Merry Christmas, HO HO HO” card is attached to each vase to let the recipient know that Santa has spread good will.

      Joyce’s Joy is a vase inspired by Mrs. Joyce Angus, the pervious owner of the lovely Victorian house our shop now resides in. A wonderful, active lady in our community who is known by many and spent her last few years in the Garden Villa.

      Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


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