4″ Ficus Moonshine
Ficus Shivereana is a statement potted plant that can be placed in any space but is usually best if kept near a window. It has lime green leaves with spots on them that add a fresh look to the plant and the space where it is placed. It is usually considered an indoor plant that requires frequent watering.
Sunlight directly affects the color and quality of the leaves of Ficus Shivereana. The plant needs bright sunlight to thrive. Although it can tolerate low lighting conditions, deficiency of optimal sunlight can cause the leaves to fall and discoloration.
Ficus Shivereana thrives on water, and it is essential to provide it with just the right amount of water. Overwatering or underwatering can damage the plant. Hence, it should be watered according to the weather or soil conditions. It is ideal to allow its soil to completely dry out before carrying on with another watering session.
This lovely vibrant white and pink leaved plant comes along with the pattered cream pot shown.
$25.00 – $300.00