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      4″ Euphorbia Trigona


      Euphorbia trigona, the African milk tree, cathedral cactus, or Abyssinian euphorbia, is a species of flowering plant that originates from Central Africa.

      Euphorbia trigona rubra prefers bright lighting conditions. Direct sunlight is OK but take care to ensure this does not scorch the plant.

      Cacti and succulents are plants that love to be neglected and prefer it when you forget about them for weeks at a time. These types of plants thrive in warm and dry climates, which means they also don’t like to get watered very often.

      To water your African milk tree, wait until the soil is dry to the touch. Then, water your plant thoroughly, making sure that the water drains out of the bottom of the pot. A drainage hole is very important for drought-loving plants because it removes the excess moisture from the soil. This plant will not tolerate wet feet! Allow the plant to dry out completely before watering again

      These unique plant is perfect in the back metallic ceramic pot.

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      6″ Philodendron Melanochrysum


      Philodendron Splendid is a Rare, unique, and low maintenance houseplant. It LOVES its light, but HATES having wet feet, so don’t overwater!

      The Philodendron Splendid, also called the Philodendron verrucosum x melanochrysum, is part of the Araceae family. It features stunning foliage with heart-shaped leaves. The veins run from the midrib to arch out to the edges. It also originates from Ecuador’s rainforest and has loads of tropical charisma

      Philodendrons love bright but indirect sunlight. Don’t let them get direct sunlight, as it can burn, but give them as much indirect as you can to encourage those beautiful leaves to grow.

      Let the top half of the soil dry out before watering again, check it with your finger once a week. You want to give it as much water as it needs without letting it sit in waterlogged soil so that it grows as healthily as possible but does not get root rot. Avoid overly wet soil, this plant does not like a soggy bottom!


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      6″ Scindapsis Silver Satin


      Scindapsus pictus, or silver vine, is a species of flowering plant in the arum family Araceae, native to India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and the Philippines. Growing to 3 m tall in open ground, it is an evergreen climber.

      This is one of the more straightforward indoor plants you can own in terms of care needs. In five years of owning mine, they’ve never been attacked by any insect pest and maintenance has just consisted of removing the occasional yellow leaf

      Truly a versatile plant when it comes to light levels. They can deal with direct sunlight in a South facing window if given some protection and adjustment time (don’t suddenly move it from a dark location to one with full, intense Summer sun).

      They’re not overly thirsty and can deal with some drought if it happens. They’ll be happiest if you let around half or two thirds of the soil fully dry out before you water them again.

      This gorgeous silver plant comes in a nice ceramic pot to compliment.  Perfect pairing.

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      4″ Rhipsalis Burchelli


      The Rhipsalis cereuscula is a small shrub cactus found growing mostly on rocks and tree trunks in the tropics. Coming from a genus with an abundant species, the Rice cactus attracts attention with its unique set of stems that may become dangly over time. An ideal indoor plant that’s easy to care for.

      The rice cactus light needs to be bright and filtered.  If you wish to grow the plant indoors, be sure to place it in a humid room with a fair level of temperature.

      Allow the sail to maintain moisture, drying out only moderately between watering.  The trick is to water thoroughly, making sure that the excess drains out completely. You may want to check first when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid soggy soil as this can cause root rot in the long term.

      This fun little plant comes in this darker textured ceramic pot shown.

    • Rated 0 out of 5

      6″ Shingle Plant


      Rhaphidophora hayi is a fascinating tropical climber with a unique growing habit. It’s commonly called the shingle plant because its leaves lie flat against its support, overlapping like shingles on a roof or wall. While it was a rarely-seen houseplant in the past, it’s become quite trendy and widely available.

      This plant will need tons of bright, indirect light. Aim for no less than 70% bright, indirect light. They are pretty hardy, but overexposure to direct sunlight will burn their delicate leaves and possibly harm the plant. The shingle plant can tolerate low light conditions and do very well with artificial light, making them a great addition to your home or terrarium.

      This plant must be kept moist through spring and summer, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between watering’s to avoid root rot.

      Since this is a climbing plant, misting every few days is also very important for its growth. During the winter you should cut way back on watering, but continue to mist regularly.

      This plant comes in the plastic grower pot provided.

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      Giant Airplants – Tillandsia (4′ by 4′ in size)


      Air plants look as if they came from another planet, but they’re native to the Americas, ranging from the southern United States to Argentina. In the wild, they use their roots to hang on the bark of trees, feeding on rainwater and bird poop they absorb through their leaves. There are more than 600 species and varieties of air plants, also called Tillandsias

      • Once a week, submerge air plants in water and let them sit there for hours.
      • Use rainwater or bottled drinking water. Softened water is high in salts that will burn the air plants, and tap water has minerals that can clog the trichomes on air plant leaves and keep them from absorbing nutrients.
      • Dry the air plants out. This is very important. After they soak, shake off excess water and put them in a bright spot for a couple of hours to dry.
      • Feed them once a month by adding water-soluble fertilizer for epiphytes, bromeliads or air plants to the water you dunk them in. These specialized fertilizers contain nitrogen in a form they can absorb.
      • Air plants like temperatures ranging between the 50s and 90s.
      • They thrive with temperature fluctuations. Give them a 10-degree temperature drop that mimics cool nights in their native jungle and they’ll flourish.
      • They cannot withstand a freeze. They’re totally tropical and need to come indoors for winter.
      • Make sure they get at least 4 to 6 hours of bright, filtered light per day. They’ll love a room with lots of windows.
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      Mossify 16″ Bendable Moss Pole


      Need a little help with height on your trailing plants?

      Let us assist with these ready to use moss poles.  Plant the stone base into the soil and use the provided fern pins to gently tie your plants up the pole until they are able to use their own roots to occupy.

      Want more details?  Check out Mossify.ca

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